interfaceing 2023

Changing Paradigms: Humanities in the Age of Crisis 

Instructions for Submitting Panel Proposals


We particularly encourage proposals for panels, with preference to panels that have an interdisciplinary approach (e.g. discuss situations in different places/times, or in the same place/time but from the point of view of different disciplines or subdisciplines).

Each accepted panel will be allocated 1 or 2 sessions of 90 minutes each (at least 15 minutes per session should be reserved for audience questions and answers). How long each particular presentation lasts is a matter to be arranged by the panel participants themselves.

There should be at least 3 presenters in a panel (1 session), and at least 5 presenters for a 2-session panel.

The papers presented in each panel can be in any of the conference languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Italian). There is no need for all the papers to be in the same language; but every panel should have a lingua franca, and care should be taken by the panel organizers to accommodate members of the audience that are only able to follow proceedings in the lingua franca (e.g. prepare handouts or powerpoint projections in the lingua franca that cover the main points of papers presented in another language).

Proposals for panels should be submitted by e-mail to by April 1, 2023. Use as Subject line: “Panel Proposal”, and include:

  1. Name and affiliation of panel Organizer
  2. Title of Panel (in its lingua franca)
  3. A brief description of the panel (in its lingua franca, max. 200 words)
  4. Names and affiliations of panel participants and their CVs
  5. Titles of the papers to be presented in the panel (in the language in which they will be presented)
  6. Abstract of each paper (max. 200 words) both in the language of presentation and in English (if it is not the language of presentation).